Channel: Skagtonians to Preserve Farmland
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Important Notice of Public Hearing


Earlier this year we let you know about a difficult decision made by the SPF Board of Directors to appeal the permits on a proposed large-scale agricultural processing facility, to be built on five acres of farmland near the Conway Freeway Interchange in Skagit County.   SPF is very concerned about the potential impacts of this project, and based our appeal on the following primary factors:

  • The loss of 5 acres of prime farmland located along the I-5 corridor in one of SPF’s priority land protection areas.
  • The impacts to drainage for this property and neighboring properties

To put the proposed project in perspective, the plans include construction of a 54,000 square foot warehouse and processing facility and related parking, loading and access drives.  In order to prepare the site for construction, it is estimated that the following earthwork would need to be performed:

  • Removing and disposing of 15,000 cubic yards of prime farmland from the site (that is 1,250 regular dump truck loads of prime farmland hauled away).
  • Trucking in and dumping 28,000 cubic yards of gravel and fill to create a 4.8 acre building pad, (that is 2,333 regular dump truck loads),

In addition, rainstorm runoff from more than four acres of new rooftop and parking area would not be detained on the site and could quickly flood nearby ditches. Drainage and Irrigation District No. 17 filed their own appeal of the project due to concerns over impacts to their agricultural drainage infrastructure.

A public hearing is now scheduled for Wednesday, August 24th at 9:00AM in the County Commissioners Hearing Room to air SPF concerns and the concerns of neighbors and citizens like you about this development proposal.

You can learn more about the project, its impacts on farmland, critical drainage infrastructure and surrounding neighbors, and what SPF has done to date here.

How You Can Help Preserve Farmland

  1. Write a short letter to Skagit County’s hearing examiner in support of SPF’s appeal by August 23. There is a draft letter below.
  2. Attend the Public Hearing and provide testimony in person.

Written public comments are due Tuesday, August 23rd by 4:00PM.

Where to mail your letter
Wick Dufford, Hearing Examiner
Office of Land Use Hearings
1800 Continental Place
Mount Vernon, WA 98273

Draft public comment letter template
Please feel free to modify:

Dear Mr. Dufford,

I’m writing today in strong support of the recent land use appeals PL15-0410 and PL16-0120 filed by Skagitonians to Preserve Farmland (SPF).

I am concerned about the potential impacts of the proposed development on farm land by Conway Frontage LLC, as detailed in SPF’s recent appeals.

As a member of Skagitonians to Preserve Farmland, I believe all large-scale farmland development should be carefully considered, in order to protect our vital farm economy in Skagit Valley.

Please remand the development proposal back for further review, by granting appeals PL15-0410 and PL16-0120 today.


Alternatively, public comments can be submitted online here Be sure to follow the County’s instructions for submitting public comments on Permit Applications and Appeals.  Reference file numbers PL15-0410 and PL16-0120

Thank you from all of us at SPF for your ongoing support. We encourage you to call or visit the office if you want to learn more.





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